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Y Friday, June 18, 2010

In a blink of the eye, the June holiday is coming to an end in one week plus time.. :( Only managed to enjoy the last two weeks or so.. Oh well..

Some happy things, finally able to meet up with the sec school gang for my birthday celebration.. Lol.. And also, the wallet that Dear bought finally arrived on Tuesday.. Pretty pretty and i'm a happy girl! Haha..


Y Sunday, June 06, 2010

Met up with my Primary school friends last evening at PS Swensons.. Thank you Boon Kim for organizing this.. There were 11 of us i think.. Boon Kim, Joseph, Jiunn Tong, Jolene, David, Yoke Wen, Fagan, Liang Hong, Shaiful, Diyanah and bf and me.. Had a great time catching up, after 12 years for some.. :) Next meeting, September!! Hopefully there would be more people then..

Busy busy week 2 of the June Hols.. :(


Y Saturday, May 29, 2010

Welcome to the holidays!! Been looking forward to it for a very loooooong time.. Even though it's the holidays, but doubt i'll have much time slacking and enjoying it.. :(

Week 1 will be reserved for school and YPPAE, week 2 YPPAE, week 4 school and course.. After doing some Math, i'll be left with only 1 week plus of holidays instead of the 2-3 weeks.. Haiz.. Oh well..

Anyway, met up with the Secondary school clique on Thursday night.. It was great! Hours of chit chatting and chilling at the C-Nai cafe at ECP, they're really a wonderful bunch of friends, 11 years of friendship and counting.. Love them to the max.. :)


Y Saturday, May 01, 2010

Bored at home on a Saturday night..

Long weekend.. Supposedly 3 day break to enjoy and chill.. Dear have to work during the weekend, only able to meet on Monday.. Ha.. Oh well.. Lunch at Aunty Mummy's place this afternoon.. Yummy home-made popiah, 现包现吃.. Fresh crabs, delicious.. Haha!

Week 7's arriving.. Which means exams are coming.. Stress.. :x

Oh, Happy Labour Day! :)


Y Thursday, March 25, 2010

This is just something Dear wrote as his Facebook status, decided to post it up here without telling him.. Lol..






Y Sunday, March 14, 2010








Y Saturday, February 13, 2010

Happy 3rd anniversary.. :)

Wow.. It felt forever before reaching the first year.. Now, we've just hit our third year.. More years to go.. :)

I Love You Robyn~
